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Jobs in health care

Page history last edited by Diane Evans 14 years ago

You need to know about the different jobs for people working in health care. There are two main categories:


Clinical  Jobs to do with diagnosing and treating health problems with patients. Most clinical jobs require special qualifications and training. Examples of clinical jobs are radiologist, laboratory technician, orthopaedic surgeon.
Support  Jobs which support the work of the hospital, but are not usually involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Examples of administration jobs are receptionist, medical secretary, accounts clerk.


Your task:


Use the internet to research job roles listed on page 11 of the OB workbook. What key words will you use to search on the internet?


Make a table with the following headings. Type in the information for each heading.


Job Title  Qualifications  Basic duties  Clinical or Support? 


One website to help you get started: http://www.alluaejobs.com/find_medical_healthcare_jobs_in_united_arab_emirates_middle_east_1047.html  


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