
The Jobs Mariam AL Shamisi

Page history last edited by Mariam 14 years, 4 months ago


Job Title


Basic duties


or Support?


  • Nursing education includes taking classes and hands-on learning with experienced nurses in hospitals and other places.

  • Nurses study anatomy, chemistry, nutrition, psychology, and nursing theory

  • After graduating, nurses need to pass a test to get a nursing license

  • It takes about 4 years to finish a bachelor's degree in nursing in Abroad, such as study in Australia from Australian nursing staff.

  • Nursing staff are involved in the care of patients during treatment.


  • They assist the medical staff in looking after patient.


  • Giving treatment recommended by medical staff.



  • Often have a role to play in health education.



  • "The best radiography students have a balance between a good understanding of the sciences and a genuinely caring attitude," says Louise Harding, Clinical Tutor at Warrington Hospital.

  • "Ideally, you should have an interest in science, have good GCSE grades and at least one science A–level with a total of 3 A–levels at grade C but this will vary between universities. Math’s skills can also be helpful but students shouldn’t be put off by the science element as this is just a small part of a radiographer\'s role."

  • Radiation treatment in hospitals, clinics and doctors’ specialists


  • They filmed the body of patients with X-ray according to the instructions of doctors and surgeons.


  • Accompanying patients to the radiology room, and identify parts of the body to be photographed with X-ray


  • Caught cameras and taking pictures of X-joints, bones, tendons and organs.


Laboratory technician

  • A doctorate usually is needed to become a laboratory director.


  • Must obtain a master's degree or bachelor's degree, along with the proper amount of training and experience.

  • Technicians to set up and operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment


  • And monitoring of experiments and observations.


  • Calculate and record the results.


  • And the development of the conclusions in many cases.


  • Must maintain detailed records of their work.





  • Does not need

  • Serve guests



  • Complete the requirements necessary to enter the profession and represents the completion of the 3-year comprehensive program and achieve high levels of clinical training


  • Baccalaureate degree

  • They do treatment with patients who suffered muscle damage to structures or injured


  • They deal with patients broken bones and wounds joints and paralysis



Consultant Cardiologist

  • Consultant Cardiologist and will usually have a Monster or FRCP


  • He is a doctor responsible for patients in coronary care unit (KO).

  • A doctor specializing in heart or heart problems


Medical Records Technologist

  • Postgraduate Diploma in the medical records of other qualifications Science


  •  Computer proficiency

  • Organization and management of data and health information by ensuring quality and accuracy, and accessibility

  • Compilation of health information of patients including medical history, symptoms, and the results of screening and diagnostic tests, treatments, and all other health care services



  • You do not need to educational qualifications to start work

  • Maintaining a clean hospital bed, such as cleaning and sterilization


Ward Clerk

  • It needs to act appropriately in matters of privacy and confidentiality.

  • Communication skills.. Personal interaction as well as written and telephone contacts need to be conducted in a professional manner. .

  • Organizational skills. All hospital clerical staff need to be able to work unsupervised and exercise initiative.

  • They need to be adaptable to changing and fluid situations and have the ability to prioritize tasks.

  • Familiarity with medical terminology.

  • Ability to set personal achievement and improvement goals with enthusiasm. .

  • The drive necessary to be able to work as a team-member as well as an independent worker.

  • The ward clerk is responsible for the administrative and documentary processes related to admissions and discharges.


  • These processes need to be completed accurately and speedily



  • Certified degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • This requirement generally includes courses in mathematics and natural sciences, such as chemistry, biology, and physics, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • Completion of 3 years or more in a college or university before moving to the Doctor of Pharmacy Lhsol on Allbecklrios

  • Pharmacists distribute drugs to individuals.


  • They also point their patients, doctors and other health practitioners on the selection, dosage, interactions, and side effects of drugs.


  • As well as monitoring the health and progress of these patients to make sure they use the drugs safely and effectively


ENT Doctor

  • Master of the nose and throat

  • Treat diseases of the ear and throat


Finance Clerk

  • The use of calculators or specialized accounting software  Dealing with questions or queries, and general office duties


  • General Certificate of Secondary or Diploma.

  • Processing and examination of invoices, receipts and payments


  • Assistance in the audit.


Quality Assurance Director

  • High school graduation

  • six years of experience in quality assurance, nursing, medical records administration or a related field, one year of which was in a supervisory or administrative capacity

  • Plans, organizes and directs a quality assurance program within a State general hospital

  • Renders decisions on unusual problems that involve policy interpretations

  • Continuously evaluates procedures to provide more efficient methods



  • Then they will complete further training at a midwifery school, which typically leads to a master's degree in midwifery.

  • Those training for other types of midwifery certification will need to attend midwifery school.

  • supervision of the pregnancy

  • Then assist the mother to give birth.

  • guard the woman and her newborn in the postpartum period. .

  • Help for women to improve the labor and birth. Reassurance, positive imaging

  • She gives some suggestions to change positions and walk helps labors progress




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