HLTH N2125 Assessment 1 – Learning Journal
Assessment 1
Submission Date
30 December 2010
Time Allowed
12 weeks
Maximum Marks
Percentage of Final Grade
Student Name
Student ID
Rationale:This assessment will assess the student’s ability to apply the knowledge acquired in relation to learning outcome 1. The student will demonstrate the ability to reflect on learning activities completed inside and outside class. Summarising skills will be required, as well as the ability to self-evaluate.
HCT Graduate Outcome Indicators Addressed in this assignment
Graduate outcome 1 : Communication and information literacy: 1.1.,1.2.,1.3
Graduate outcome 2: Critical and creative thinking: 2.1.,2.2.,2.3
Graduate outcome 7 : Vocational competencies : 7.1.,7.2
Academic Honesty
Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded the penalty for cheating or plagiarism is dismissal from HCT.
It’s better to score zero than be caught cheating.
سياسة الأمانة الأكاديمية
نذكرك عزيزتي الطالبة بأنه سيتم التعامل بجدية تامة مع أي إخلال بالأمانة الأكاديمية. وأن عقوبة الغش أو النقل أثناء الامتحانات هي الفصل النهائي من كليات التقنية العليا.
ومن الأفضل لك أن تحصلي على علامة صفر من أن تضبطي متلبسةً في عملية غش أكاديمي.
Notes to students: Use the learning journal template provided. Submit your work with your name, ID, section and submission date in a footer. DO NOT HAND IN THE JOURNAL INSTRUCTIONS OR EXAMPLE. Your work should not be the same as another student’s. Hand in the printed journals with this cover sheet in a report binder.
dee/AT1 Learning Journal cover sheet/10/19/10
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