Homework tasks will help you to learn about each topic. You will understand more when you complete each task. Hand in your work so that your teacher can give you feedback about what you did well and what you need to do better.
HLTH 2210 |
Date due |
a) Create your own PBWorks workspace
b) Write down your expectations as a 5 year old, a 15 year old and now
c) Add a strengths and weaknesses page to your own workspace.
17 April |
a) Create a new page to summarise ideas about time management and organising skills to your workspace.
b) Create links to your pages
c) Set up folders in your workspace
d) Complete OHS assignment.
24 April |
a) Use the textbook Work Placement Preparation to help you identify your skills - see Unit 2, pages 6-11. Summarise what you find out from the classroom activities and create a new page for your work space called My Skills. You will need two sections - Life Skills and Work Skills. List the skills you have in each section.
Create a new page called Professionalism in Health Care
b) Choose 3 job roles in health care and write a brief job description, plus a job description for a medical administrator
c) Write notes about how you expect each job role to be professional in their work. Give at least one example for each job.
1 May |
a) Update your current CV.
b) Make a new CV with a different format.
c) Practice writing cover letters. Use the internet to help you with ideas of what to write.
d) Complete the CV and cover letter assignment.
e) Upload your CVs and cover letters to your work space. Link them on the My Work page.
8 May |
a) Create one PowerPoint slide with the title 'Introducing Myself'. Add the information shown on the handout from Ms Sana. Upload and link in a page labelled My Career.
b) Improve your work space: make sure your side bar has links to all your pages and assessed work. Create a My Career page to link your CV, cover letter examples, the body language homework and any other ideas of your own to help your prepare for job interviews in the future.
c) Attend the Tawteen Information meeting in PO1 at 11 am on 13th March. If you can, sign up to go to the leadership camp at the end of March.
15 May |
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