Make a folder called Excel Practice Exams in your H: and D: drives.
Copy the folder Practice Exam 1from the S: drive. Paste it into the practice exam folders. Open the folder and check that you have the Excel workbooks SK MS January 2009 and SK MS Annual Summary 2009 and UAE MoH Statistics Al Ain 2008.
Task 1
Complete the SK Midnight Statement Summary First Quarter 2009
Open the file SK MS January 2009 and save as SK MS FQ 2009 your ID.
Complete the January worksheet. Format the sheet correctly, add formulas for totals where they are needed.
Add conditional formatting for the average bed days per month. If the number is 15 or less the cell should change to yellow fill with dark yellow text.
Rename the worksheet with a good name.
Copy the worksheet 2 times.
Rename the 2 copies as follows:
February 2009 summary
March 2009 summary
Insert the data from the information given to you on a separate page for the February and March worksheets.
Insert a new worksheet and name it First Quarter Summary 2009. You will need totals for patients in, patients out and total patients for each month. YOU DO NOT NEED THE AVERAGE BED DAYS PER MONTH.
Use Copy and Paste Link to complete the First Quarter summary worksheet with the correct information from the other worksheets.
Check all worksheets to make sure that the correct dates are shown.
Check that the formatting is correct. LOOK AT THE FORMATTING GUIDE.
Add a footer with your name, the workbook name and the worksheet name.
Copy the First Quarter summary worksheet to the Annual Summary 2009 workbook
Open the workbook SK MS Annual Summary 2009 in the Practice Exam 1 folder.
Save the workbook as SK MS Annual Summary 2009 your ID in your folder on the desktop.
Copy the First Quarter 2009 summary worksheet to the Annual Summary workbook that you just saved.
Create a 3D pie chart for each month’s total patients for the First Quarter. Use the format as shown on the Pie Chart Formatting Guide.
Insert the pie chart into a new worksheet in the same workbook.
Protect the First Quarter 2009 summary worksheet with a password. Write down the password that you used below:
Password is:
Task 2
Summarise data in an Excel workbook in a PivotTable
Open the Excel workbook UAE MoH Statistics Al Ain 2008 from the AT4 folder on your desktop.
Save the workbook as Al Ain Statistics 2008 your ID in your exam folder on the desktop.
Make a PivotTable for all hospitals for Injuries, Cardio-vascular and Cancer in a separate worksheet.
Sort the table into alphabetical order A-Z.
Make a 3D column chart for all hospitals and injuries patients. Check that you have used the correct formatting. LOOK AT THE FORMATTING SHEET.
Use sort to answer the following questions from your PivotTable:
Which hospital has the highest number of cancer patients?
Which hospital has the smallest number of cardio-vascular patients?
Which hospital has the largest number of injuries cases?
Save your file. Check your work carefully.
Print one copy of the PivotTable and the chart.
dee/Practice Exam 1 Instructions/13/12/10
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