
AT5 Professionalism Presentation

Page history last edited by Diane Evans 14 years, 1 month ago

HLTH N2125 Assessment 5 – Professionalism Presentation


Assessment 5 – Professionalism in Health Care



Date started

14 December 2010

Date due

28 December 2010

Maximum Marks


Percentage of Final Grade


Student Name



Student ID



Rationale:This assessment will assess the student’s ability to apply the knowledge acquired in relation to learning outcome 1 and 3. The student will demonstrate the ability to apply learning. Analytical, problem-solving, evaluation and summarising skills will be required.


HCT Graduate Outcome Indicators Addressed in this assignment

  1. Graduate outcome 1 : Communication and information literacy: 1.1.,1.2.,1.3

  2. Graduate outcome 2: Critical and creative thinking: 2.1.,2.2.,2.3

  3. Graduate outcome 7 : Vocational competencies : 7.1.,7.2

Academic Honesty

Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded the penalty for cheating or plagiarism is dismissal from HCT.

It’s better to score zero than be caught cheating.

سياسة الأمانة الأكاديمية

نذكرك عزيزتي الطالبة بأنه سيتم التعامل بجدية تامة مع أي إخلال بالأمانة الأكاديمية. وأن عقوبة الغش أو النقل أثناء الامتحانات هي الفصل النهائي من كليات التقنية العليا.

ومن الأفضل لك أن تحصلي على علامة صفر من أن تضبطي متلبسةً في عملية غش أكاديمي.


Assessment Objectives


Students will demonstrate:


  • Team interpersonal skills

  • Research skills

  • Summarising skills

  • Evaluation of others (strengths and weaknesses)

  • Professionalism

  • Leadership skills

  • Observation skills

  • Presentation skills



Assessment Instructions


  • Work in groups of 4 or 5 students (you will be told who you will work with).

  • Decide who will be the leader of the group and whether this will change each week.

  • You will demonstrate working in a team and, possibly, leading a team, in a professional manner.

  • You will plan and make a presentation about professionalism in health care.



Tasks – Research and Survey


  1. Research the idea of professionalism using your class notes, textbook and other sources. If you use the internet, make sure that you include the words health care in your search key words. (Group)


  1. Summarise the main ideas about professionalism in health care. Include the written summary in the work that you submit. List the research sources used to find information for the summary. (Group) (10 marks)


  1. Prepare a presentation to show the key ideas about professionalism in health care. The presentation should include the key points of the summary from task 2. (Group) (10 marks)


  1. Present your information at a time that you will be given. (Group) (5 marks)



Tasks – After the presentation


  1. Write a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the way that you worked as a team member to complete the project tasks. (Individual) (5 marks)


  1. (a) Demonstrate leadership skills if possible. Write a self-reflection about your strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Write about how you can improve your weaknesses and what you would do differently next time you are a leader. (Individual); OR


6 (b) If you were not a leader yourself, write two strengths and two weaknesses about the people who were leaders in your team. Give examples if possible. Explain how the weaknesses can be improved in the future. (Individual) (5 marks)


  1. Complete an evaluation of the interpersonal skills of the people in your team. You will be given an evaluation checklist to do this task. (Individual) (5 marks)


  1. Write a paragraph describing one way that you showed professionalism when you were working on the presentation. (Individual) (5 marks)


Group presentations will take place on Tuesday, 28 December 2010




One binder with all the work organized as follows:


  • Title page with the name of the project, course name, all the group names, date work had to be submitted


  • The plan which show information about who, what and when


  • The summary of research about professionalism


  • A handout of the presentation (6 slides per page)


  • A soft copy of the presentation on a CD


  • Individual tasks will be submitted with a separator for each student’s work. The individual work includes the completed checklists and written work.


The binder should be a plain colour and should have a label on the front and spine.






1 Summary of professionalism in health care (group marks)


3 marks

Examples of professionalism in health care

5 marks

All sources of information listed (minimum 3 specified)

2 marks


10 marks


2 Presentation (group marks)

6-9 slides with key points about professionalism in health care

6 marks

Well-designed slides in a professional manner eg appropriate use of images, animations and text

4 marks

Clearly explained ideas from all team members

5 marks


15 marks


3 Evaluation of self and team members (individual marks)

Completed interpersonal skills assessment by each team member shows observation of each person’s strengths and weaknesses

5 marks

Summary of strengths and weaknesses of self shows an honest analysis of strengths and weaknesses

5 marks

Summary of strengths and weaknesses of leader shows an honest observation and what the leader did well and what can be improved

5 marks

Description of professionalism demonstrated in the project is one paragraph using an appropriate example

10 marks


25 marks






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