Ethics Questions

Students' multiple choice questions


Student's name  Questions 
Nouf   Write example should medical practitioner do?
- Respects patient's dignity.
What is mean discontinuing? Stopping or Cessation of care
What you must do when you write wrong information on a patient report?
- You must report the error to your Supervisor
For completing of filing a simple insurance form should be charged to the:
Sabreen  Why the medical practitioner does give priority of patient?
What is lead to discrimination and harassment among patients by doctors?
Do you must to speak in an inappropriate manner for one's colleagues in front of patients? Why?
Mariam   1) a. you souldn't respect patient
b. you should in competence
c. you should know guide and strengthen
2) a. protecting patient confidentiality
b.not following all federal and emirate laws
c. rsepect the patients
3) a. being honest in everything that you do
b. do not give facts in a straight way
Mariam Khamis  Al Shamisi 

1_If you don't know the answer question you say:


a)"I don't know" and leaved.

b)You answer the question and you be lie.

c) "I don't know but I will find out for you"


2_True OR False

* It is wrong to give facts in a straight way and you must to be sympathetic_False (It is right) 

*A fee should be could be charged for physician refferrals_False (Not fee)

*A fee should be charge to the patient foe completing_False (No fee should not be
Aysha Juma  Of the truthfulness of the health information to tell me indirectly to a patient and sympathetic with the patient    False