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HLTH N2210 2011_02

Page history last edited by Diane Evans 13 years, 7 months ago

HLTH N2210

Work Experience Preparation


Facts About The Course

Number of Weeks: 8

Periods Per Week: 6

Instructor's Name: Diane Evans

Instructor's Office: Room 201. W14

Instructor's Telephone: 03 7095 364

Instructor's Email Address: diane.evans@hct.ac.ae

Course Description

This course prepares students for work placement. The student will be able to organize and document work skills, life skills and personal characteristics in an individual inventory. They will be able to prepare documents used in a job search to industry standard and orally present personal skills and strengths, backed up by documented evidence, to make them an ideal choice for a posting, in a simulated or real employment interview. In addition to workplace performance expectations, students will develop and awareness of the basics of Occupational Health and Safety to facilitate an appreciation of healthy and safe practice in workplace settings.

Graduate Outcomes:

Learning outcomes in this course provide students with explicit opportunities that support the achievement of the HCT Graduate Outcomes listed below.

Graduate Outcome #

Learning Outcomes #

1 – Communication and Information Literacy

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6

2 – Critical and Creative Thinking

2.1, 2.2, 2.3

3 – Global Awareness


4 – Information Technology (IT)

4.1, 4.2, 4.3

5 – Self Management and Lifelong Learning

5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4

6 – Teamwork and Leadership

6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4

7 – Vocational Competencies

7.1, 7.2, 7.3


No prerequisite courses specified.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

Learning Outcome 1: Knowledge Learning Outcome: Work effectively in an administrative support capacity in a Health Care Office environment.

Learning Outcome 2: Skills Learning Outcome: On completion of this course the students will have the skills required to review personal progress, work effectively and evaluate themselves in readiness for the interview process and working in the Health Care environment.

Learning Outcome 3: Attributes Learning Outcome: On completion of this course, the students will be able to function effectively within a multicultural work environment. Student will demonstrate behavior which indicates that they can complete work to required standards, communicate effectively with clients and health team, work collaboratively with others in a constructive and productive way, and management oneself, time and resources in the workplace.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The teaching and learning strategies for this course will be practically based and student centered. The teacher acts as a facilitator, helping students with personal development through reflection and self assessment of strengths, weaknesses, skills and goals.

Evaluation Strategies

Students will be evaluated using the following scheme:

LO 1 – Knowledge

List strengths and weaknesses 10%

Identify and list OHS 10%

Describe professional behaviour and role expectations 10% 30%

LO 2 – Skills

CV and cover letter 10%

Interview (as Interviewee) 10%

Interview (as Interviewer) 5%

OHS Practical Skills 5% 30%

LO 3 – Attributes

Telephone techniques 10%

General document preparation 10%

Professional Behaviour 10% 30%

PBWorks portfolio 10%

TOTAL: 100%

Note: The HCT grading system of A, B, C, D and F is as follows:






90 - 100


Outstanding relative to the course and GPA requirements


85 - 89



80 – 84


Above the course and GPA requirements


75 - 79



70 – 74


Satisfactorily meets the course and GPA requirements


65 – 69



60 – 64


Minimally meets the course require-ments but may not meet GPA


0 - 59


Does not meet requirements

Progress Report Grades

Any student with a weighted grade average currently below 60% will be graded as unsatisfactory on the Mid-Semester Progress Report.

Passing the Course

To pass this course you must have a total average of 60% or more.

Late Submission Policy

If you fail to meet the deadline for handing in an assignment, you will receive a 10% penalty for each day your work is late. So for example, if you hand in your work two days late, you will have 20% deducted from your mark. Work submitted 4 days or more after the deadline will receive “0”.

If you have a valid reason why you cannot submit your work on time, you must see the supervisor as soon as possible.

HCT Attendance Policy

You must participate fully in all learning activities, be on time and be ready for activities of the classes. Absence beyond 10% in any class may result in a failing grade and dismissal from the college. (HCT Student Code of Conduct)

AAWC Attendance Procedures

1. When a student reaches 5% absence in any class she will be notified by email and not allowed to attend any further classes until she makes an appointment with the Department Chair to discuss the situation. The student is encouraged to meet with her counselor to discuss any problems that might contribute to her absences. The student’s guardian is contacted to advise of the situation and the consequences of further absence.

2. When a student reaches 10% absence a final warning is sent by email advising that further absence will result in dismissal.

3. When a student is absent after the 10% warning she is withdrawn from college and not allowed to attend any more classes. She will be asked to meet with the Department Chair to discuss the Appeals Process.

4. If a student who has been dismissed for attendance reasons believes there are extenuating circumstances she may appeal to the College Director for reinstatement. She must meet with the Student Services Officer to discuss the Appeals Process which includes submission of any relevant documentation related to her absence. The student’s guardian is expected to be present at the Appeals Meeting with the College Director.


  1. If a student misses classes for illness or other valid reasons she should submit documentation to the Administrative Assistant for the Department Chair. This does not excuse the absence which will still count toward 10%, but may be used in an Appeals Process if a student is dismissed for attendance reasons.

  2. Students should avoid absence whenever possible. Non-emergency appointments should be scheduled outside of class time.

  3. According to HCT Attendance Policy 3 lates equals one absence. Students arriving to class more than 10 minutes late will be considered absent for that lesson.

  4. If a student is absent for any assessment activity (exam, quiz, presentation etc.) she must meet with the Department Chair to get permission to make it up. If a student does not have a valid reason for this absence she may be given 0 for the assessment.

  5. Students are expected to attend all assessments on the date and time specified.

  6. A student who knows she will be late or absent from any assessment should inform the supervisor in advance of the assessment by email or by phone, leaving a message if necessary.

  7. The student should report to the supervisor immediately upon arrival at the college.

  8. Documentation supporting the application, such as a medical certificate or police report, should be submitted to the supervisor within two working days of return to the college.

Doing Your Own Work

It is good that students help each other in regular classes. Individual assignments should, however, be all your own work. If, in the opinion of both your instructor and your supervisor, an assignment is copied, completely or in part, everyone involved in the copying will be given zero.

College policy concerning cheating in exams and tests is given in the Student Handbook and you are advised to read it.

Academic Honesty

Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded the penalty for cheating or plagiarism is dismissal from HCT. It’s better to score zero than be caught cheating.

Recommended Texts and Materials

Work Placement Preparation, Sep 2001. HCT In-house publication. 2001

Interpersonal Communication Skills, Zimmerman, Tammy, New. HCT In-house publication. 2003.


____Diane Evans_________________ Date: 7 February 2011

Diane Evans, Faculty

Salwa Abdel Aal Date: 7 February 2010

Salwa Abdel Aal, Supervisor

dee/HLTH N2210 2011_02/2/22/11

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