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interview questions

Page history last edited by Aysha 13 years, 4 months ago

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Tell me about your college certificates. 

  • My certificates Diploma Health Office  in Al Ain Womne's College.


Where did you learn your telephone skills?

  • I learn telephone skills in my work experience in Tawam Hospital and college.


Tell me about your clerical experience?

  • I work in Tawam Hospital in many clinic for Admission the patient and a open the new file.



How did you find dealing with patients? 

  •  dealing with  patient difficult  because we The different nationalities of the patients and their mood.


What do you do when you have problems with patients?

  • when the job in tawam hospital I have the some  problem with patient you wont the see a doctor Without an appointment I tell hem i can't  to see the doctor  withot appointment He shouted me after Called my supervisor at work With him the understanding for roles for hospital.



How many wpm do you type in English? 

  • 20 word in per mint  


What kind of documents have you prepared in Word?

  • Letter for patient about new appointment.

  • lest about the admission in the hospital. 



Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a nervous patient. 

  • I try to Gave the anger and questions and what he wants.



Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a patient who did not have an insurance card.

  • I tell you Back to home and attend the insurance card because role for hospital don't allowed to treatment




Tell me about a time when you had to deal with someone without English and Arabic language. 

  • I can to understand what to you need fr me or I Club one of his nationality in order to understand Why he wants me to. 


Other question:

What position are you applying for?

  • I prefer to work in place to deal with patients 


Are you looking for a permanent or temporary position?

  • temporary becouse I went to except a new skills in the new job. 


Do you have any other questions?


If it agreed to work with those who appreciate that connect.


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